Steps to reproduce:
Install DEVONthink extension and try to clip a site. Orion ask if I should allow the extension to take the URL of the site, but the window stays there for just a second and move on and nothing happens. Unless I use the return to accept the site isn't clipped.

Expected behavior:

That the window stays until I take some action, so I can choose.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:

  • Orion version 0.99.120-beta (WebKit 614.1.20)
  • macOS version 12.6 (21G115)
  • MBP M1


  • Vlad replied to this.

    No… I managed to click on it and accept before it when away. It took be a lot of attempts, but I managed!! So it doesn't show up away anymore when I clip sites with DEVONThink.

    But basically the problem is that small windows that is asking you "do you want to allow this page to open 'DEVONThink 3'?" disappears away really fast. Like perhaps 1 sec or so…

    If you manage to click on "[ ] Always allow 'clip' to open this type of links", the windows doesn't appear anymore. However, as I said before, this is really challenging.

    I think the problem is that after the window appear, something triggers the page to reload. For that reason the windows disappear. That happens with all kinds of pages… wasn't one in particular. I tried different ones with the same result.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      lpuerto Could be but we would need exact steps to reproduce the issue, hopefully with something that does not require thrid party software that requires an account.

        Vlad In this case I can only reproduce too with third party… but you most probably will be able to reproduce if with some extension the send information outside of the browser in the same way this extension does.

        The extension just pick up the URL and send to the external app.

        Sorry I can't provide more info. I just started to use Orion, from time to time, and came across this error and I thought that would be good to report. But I can't give much more information than the one I've already provided.

          3 months later

          This happened to me as well. So I did collect a video for you, Vlad. And then I went and subscribed to Orion before creating an account 🙂


          I wasn't able to upload the video (probably too large? - it's a 3.3MB MP4.

          I have a similar problem with the 1Password extension - if I'm logged in, it will reload the page whenever I click on the line for the credit card information - the 1Password extension tries to put up a list of the credit cards and as soon as it does that, the page reloads.

            OK at least a link the said extension would be appreciated.

              Vlad I tried the 1Password extension from both the Firefox and Chrome stores.
              Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4037440/1password_x_password_manager-2.5.0.xpi
              Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/1password-–-password-mana/aeblfdkhhhdcdjpifhhbdiojplfjncoa

              They both had the same behavior.

              Is there any way to use the Safari extension (which is installed from the AppStore) since you're using Webkit as the base?

              • Vlad replied to this.
                6 months later

                Clip to DEVONThink: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clip-to-devonthink/pjoafdokmbmkpolhcnmnkgaicbajigcc

                The extension in question that triggers this. I'm hitting it now on both Orion stable and RC.

                I even tried to make my Orion window very small so I could quickly rush to always allow and accept, it is still too fast.

                An auxiliary issue here is this popup isn't trapping focus. I'm not entirely sure what the exact behavior should be for accessibility, but pressing "spacebar" for example when the confirmation modal is up should not go to the web page and scroll the underlying page. (At least based on my understanding of how modals in the web platform itself work.) So, this modal behavior is something to keep in mind for keyboard accessibility to make sure is correct. As it is we can't even out-speed the reload with a keyboard because we first need to move focus into the modal which takes too long.

                  6 months later

                  For me the fix was, as I did remember that the DEVONthink website “Handbooks and Extras” had a version of the “Clip-to-DEVONthink” as a bookmarklet.
                  By adding the bookmarklet to the reading list and then clicking on the entry, the pop-up window remained open until it was confirmed. From now on, the plugin in the Chrome version works quite normally for me.

                  Hope this tip helps others as well.

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