The beta version of 1Password's Chrome and Firefox extensions (2.4.2 and 2.4.3 respectively) are working better for me than the current stable extension, but there's still some issues. Biometrics not working is one thing and depends on AgileBits whitelisting Orion, but the other issues (blank popup) and Chromium working fine (minus biometrics) make me think there's some extension API issues in Orion that might be worth another look by the team.

Things I can do that I couldn't do in the stable version:
- Log in to the extension (was hit or miss in stable)
- Autofill suggestions show up below form fields
- The extension popup menu shows up
- Save passwords
Two-factor auth cannot be filled from the autofill suggestions, you need to copy it directly from the extension toolbar popup or from the app
Clicking the 1Password icon in a form field throws the "Collect Frame" promise warning noted below
If app integration is turned on in settings, there's a 5 second delay before the popup shows up
Sometimes the popup will just be blank, with no loading indicator, and the following warnings get logged to the console:

Turning off app integration in the 1Password extension settings and restarting Orion reduces the delay and gets rid of the browser verification error (of course).
When the extension periodically locks (seems to ignore the 10 minutes setting), you'll need to enter your password. After unlocking the extension, I get a blank popup with no loading indicator regardless of the app integration setting. Going by the console log, it appears the extension unlocked successfully and loaded a page after 5 seconds, but the popup is blank.

Console from the web inspector in the popup:

When the blank popup after unlock issue happens, the only workaround is to restart Orion. Reloading or disabling/enabling the extension had no effect, the password field still appears to unlock the extension, followed by a blank page after unlock.
From my testing, it appears Chromium itself isn't whitelisted by 1Password either, since biometrics don't work. Using the extension results in no errors and everything works as it should, which is why I think there's an extension API issue happening.