a month later
a month later
Merged 2 posts from 1Password extension does not unlock the vault upon successful sign-in.
    3 months later

    Maybe a different issue, but to add onto @Noffica steps…
    You can log in to 1P cloud but 1P extension doesn't stay logged in.
    It is as if it doesn't remember the logged in state. Cookie?

    a month later

    From searching existing bugs, I understand that there are some issues with 1Password. But is it expected that the 1Password extension offered from the Popular Extensions menu will work? For me, it hangs at the end of the sign-in flow.

    Some factors which might have something to do with it:

    • my 1Password account has 2FA enabled
    • I use Little Snitch to limit apps' outbound traffic (although I have told it to allow Orion to connect to anything)

    Steps to reproduce:
    <Include steps to reproduce the bug; Did you try using Compatibility mode? If applicable, does Safari behave in the same way?>

    1. On a fresh, clean install of Orion, go to Tools > Extensions > Popular Extensions
    2. Install 1Password from the list.
    3. Click the extension icon.
    4. Proceed through the 1Password signin flow.

    Expected behavior:
    <What you expected to happen?>

    1Password signin completes successfully, and the extension is available.

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:

    Orion (WebKit 613.1.12)
    macOS Version 12.3.1 (Build 21E258)

    Session Info:

    Enabled Extensions:

    • 1Password – Password Manager (firefox)

    Disabled Extensions:

    Non Default Settings:

    • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-03-23 00:00:00 +0000
    • FirstLaunch => 0
    • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
    • LastUsedBuildVersion => 113.2
    • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 113.2
    • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-04-17 11:46:38 +0000
    • NextDownloadID => 3
    • SavedWindowSize => 1229.0,1095.0
    • SavedWindowPosition => -0.0,-0.0
    • BookmarksSidebarVisible => 0
    • ActiveLibraryTab => extensions
    • ActivePreferenceTab => websites
    • BookmarksLastSynced => 1650195998838.074
    • ReadingListLastSynced => 1650195998838.912

    <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

    What the hang looks like:

    Extension's console:

    Is this the same bug as https://orionfeedback.org/d/28-1password-extension-does-not-autofill? (The use of the term "autofill" makes it ambiguous; to me, identifying the issue as "autofill" implies that it is possible to install the extension and sign in.) If it is, can I suggest removing the 1Password extension from the Popular Extensions list until/unless 1Password decides to play nice?

    • tav likes this.
    5 days later
    Merged 2 posts from 1Password extension hangs during initial sign-in.
      20 days later

      This is the main dealbreaker for me at the moment.

      I was able to log in to 1Password, and it shows the login email when clicked on the email field of a website. But clicking it doesn't get filled. And then by clicking the 1P icon on the toolbar, the Autofill button doesn't work. Even the copy button doesn't work. So I have to use system 1P every time I need to log in.

      On a similar note, Grammarly is also not working properly here. Shows logged out even when you're logged in.

      +1 to not showing these on popular extensions until they start working.


        Ok we will have another look.

        Note that 1password 8 has global autofill and does not require extension. (cmd \ )

          I have similar , may not be the same issue. I cannot get the 1password dialog box to open for new tab in Orion. The dialog box flashed and gone away. I cannot load 1password from the log in field. The only thing I can do is to manually copy from 1password app. Quite annoying

          I am running Version 0.99.114-beta (WebKit 614.1.12) of Orion and 80800021 beta for 1Password for Mac 8.8.0

          I have these settings for Orion, not sure there is anything I need to change

          • dino replied to this.
            6 days later

            fuzzygel Can you please share some example login urls, where we can test this behaviour?

              Using Orion 0.99.114 and 1Password 8.7.0 with the firefox extension:

              • twitter.com does not work well -- cmd + \ does not bring up any prompt from extension. Clicking in user/password fields brings up a prompt to fill, but it never populates the fields. Opening extension is slow.
              • https://browser.kagi.com/updates/changelog-0.99.114.html -- extension opens quickly. esc key does not work until password is entered. cmd + \ brings up universal menu.
              • https://orionfeedback.org -- cmd + \ does not bring up any 1password prompt. Autofill suggestion works properly and populates fields. Clicking extension icon opens menu quickly.

                Vlad It's true that version 8 doesn't require an extension to autofill, but what it can't do is create and save passwords, and it can't update login information. For that, a browser extension is still needed.

                So it would be great if you all kept working on getting the extension fully operational!

                Edit 6/9/22: There are actually a lot of things that only an extension can do, even with version 8. These include:

                • Generating passwords
                • Saving login information
                • Updating login information
                • Filling personal information ("Identities")
                • Filling Credit Card payment forms
                • Privacy.com integration
                • Fastmail integration

                  Using Orion and 1Password 8.7.0:

                  • With the Firefox extension, I see a 1Password icon with the lock symbol in the toolbar. When I click on it, a dialog drops down that's blank except for a spinning progress indicator, which never stops.

                  • With the Chrome extension, things work better. However:

                    (1) On each new page, when the icon in the toolbar is clicked, it takes about four seconds for the suggestions to load. (On Safari, it takes a bit less than a second.) In the meantime, it says "No suggestions found for [whatever the website is]."

                    (2) The toolbar icon always has the locked symbol, whether it is locked or not.

                    (3) Sometimes, the dialog that drops down when clicking the toolbar icon will require you to enter your password, even though it ought to still be unlocked. (Sometimes when this happens, the dialog will first show a spinning progress indicator for about three to seven seconds.)

                  • Installing the extension using the "Popular Extensions" option doesn't work at all: a tab immediately opens with a 1Password-branded message stating "Something went wrong" and "An unknown database error occurred. Contact 1Password Support for help."

                    22 days later

                    I'm suprised to see that some of you are able to do something with the 1Pasword plugin. Also the experiences seem to be quite varied.

                    After I've installed it from the Chrome store and click the extension icon I'm send to a login page.
                    I'm able to login to my.1password.eu account (I have a 1P subscription).
                    There, I can see all my passwords in the browser.
                    The extension doesn't unlock though, and when I close the tab and press the extension icon again I'm send back to the login page (being logged out again).
                    I've activated 'Compatibility mode' but it doesn't make a difference.

                    Hopefully this plugin will become supported soon. It's of great value and will complement Orion a lot.

                      12 days later

                      We get various reports about 1password working or not.

                      Can anyone ( @cob-nobbler ?) share their findings with latest Orion beta (115.3).

                      Are we there yet?

                        @Vlad unfortunately not.

                        With 1Password for Mac 8.7.1, Version (WebKit 614.1.12)

                        Using the latest Chrome extension, I was able to install it and login to 1Password.


                        • Clicking the toolbar icon it takes approx 20secs to load 1Password interface (so you can unlock it or see the results).
                        • Clicking the "Autofill" button from a toolbar window result doesn't work
                        • Autofill results show correctly in login form input but clicking the login item does nothing.