• AppleScript "make new tab" always creates a tab in the rearmost window

  • BugsDesktopDone

Regardless of which window is specified in an AppleScript, the "make new tab" code causes a tab to open in the rearmost window. The script…

tell application "Orion"
	tell window index 1
		make new tab with properties {URL:"https://twitter.com"}
	end tell
end tell

… opens the rear-most window instead of the frontmost window, and changing the index number has no effect. The same is true if the word "index" is left out:

tell application "Orion"
	tell window 1
		make new tab with properties {URL:"https://twitter.com"}
	end tell
end tell

(As before, changing the number has no effect.) Even if I have a window saved as a Named Window with the name Music, and I specify that window name in the script, it will be ignored and the tab will be opened in the rearmost window:

tell application "Orion"
	tell window "Music"
		make new tab with properties {URL:"https://twitter.com"}
	end tell
end tell

I am using Orion 0.99.116 on MacOS 12.4.

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