The YouTube search bar row which consists of YouTube logo, search bar and account logo vanishes when you full screen a video and then come to normal mode back again.
Please find attached video to see exactly what i mean.

The search bar row shouldn't vanish.


Sequoia (15)

    Thank you for reporting this! It has been bugging me for quite some time but I've never found a reliable way to reproduce it. Turns out the steps were far simpler than I thought.
    Something about leaving/entering full screen causes the search bar to be pushed up. In my case the search bar is almost always partially visible following the steps in the report.

    4 days later

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Enable Compact Tab Layout.
    2. Open youtube.com
    3. Open any video.
    4. Go to full-screen mode.
    5. Exit fullscreen mode.
    6. The top part of Youtube vanishes.

    Does NOT happen in standard tab layout. Only uBlock origin is installed in extensions. Mini Toolbar enabled/disabled does not effect this bug, in both cases the bug is present.

    Does not happen in Safari in Compact layout.

    The top part of the website (here youtube.com) should not go under the toolbar and should be still be visible after exiting a full-screen video in Compact layout.

    Version (WebKit 621.

    Sonoma (14)

      Merged 2 posts from Top part of websites disappear after exiting full screen mode from any videos.
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