Context: When Apollo detects a deeplink it opens the respective app (On the first time it'll show that popup asking us if we want to proceed beforehand).

The issue is that, once we return to Orion, that same tab that was deeplinked is still open, so there's the extra effort to close/press back on it.

A more detailed example:
If the user is on a Kagi search page -> clicks a link -> page A opens, Orion then triggers deeplink to app A.
On returning to Orion, it'll be on page A. I'd say it should be on Kagi in this example, since we deeplinked out, there's no need to show A.

If instead the user comes from a different app -> clicks link, wasn't identified -> Orion is opened instead with a new tab on page A -> App A is deeplinked automatically.
On returning to Orion, the same as the first example happens. I think in this case it'd be better for the tab to have been closed

So technically my suggestion is that if there's no history on the tab, it should close, otherwise go back once.

Firefox, iCab Mobile and Safari unfortunately have the same problem as Orion, so you're all aligned in that sense.

    Daedren changed the title to After deep link is opened, go back or close tab .


      Yes, it's very likely because sometimes the tab in question displays a button that says "Open here rather than in the app". This is the case with Notion, Discord, Linear, Figma, and surely many other apps.

      I will check.

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